TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE WAS HELD 18/1/2025 - At the initiative of the “Chess” Scientific Research Institute and ASPU, an online workshop titled “Chess: Science and Education” was held. The event aimed to create a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences, introducing innovative approaches, enhancing professional skills, and promoting inclusive and effective learning. Over 300 teachers from schools across the republic participated in the workshop. At the outset, ASPU Rector Srbuhi Gevorgyan and “Chess” Scientific Research Institute Researcher and Education Expert Serob Khachatryan delivered welcoming speeches. “Chess is not merely a game but a vital educational tool that shapes students’ thinking styles, initiative, decision-making skills, creativity, and other essential psychological traits. The workshop’s purpose is to highlight the latest methodologies in chess education for teachers nationwide, foster life […]
TEACHER WORKSHOP 14/1/2025 - Teacher Workshop “CHESS. SCIENCE AND EDUCATION” On January 18 of this year, an online teacher workshop will be held at the initiative of the “Chess” Scientific Research Institute and the Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan. The goal of the workshop is to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience to introduce innovative approaches, develop professional skills, and promote inclusive and effective learning. The workshop will start at 12:00 on the Zoom video conferencing platform. The language of the workshop is Armenian. The speakers are the researchers of the “Chess” Research Institute. The directions of the workshop are: 1. Methodological issues of chess teaching. 2. Chess and life skills. 3. Personal and professional development of […]
II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “CHESS IN EDUCATION” 24/8/2024 - On August 21-22 of this year, Vahan Sargsyan, head of the scientific program of the Chess Research Institute, made a report at the II international conference entitled “Chess in Education” organized in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.He presented “Experience of Armenia. The influence of chess knowledge on the 21st-century competencies prerequisite for learning digitalization”․ Main Goals of the Conference To popularize chess within the educational system in Kazakhstan, explore the potential of digital technologies in chess education, and promote the development of 21st century skills through chess. Foster international collaboration on chess education. Share best practices in chess education. Develop strategies for integrating chess into the school curriculum. Identify challenges and opportunities in chess education. Advocate for increased support for […]
THE VIDEO RECORDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “CHESS IN EDUCATION. METHODOLOGY AND PROSPECTS” 27/5/2024 - The full video of the “Chess in Education. Methodology and prospects” international conference is ready. Watch and share your opinions.♟ 18 representatives from 12 countries of the world presented reports at the conference From Brazil, Fiji, Sri Lanka, India, USA, Venezuela, Colombia, Italy, Greece, Spain and Armenia, including the world from almost all continents. At the conference, about cooperation with the SGI foreign students of the institute also shared their impressions of colleagues from Singapore, Great Britain and other countries. The army of those following the conference was even more multinational. Participants from more than 60 countries joined the platform and showed steady interest during the entire 5 hours.. Video conferene
INVITATION TO JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 30/4/2024 - “Chess in Education. Methodology and perspectives” to be held on May 18. The program of the international conference is almost ready. Speakers have been selected, and interesting and meaningful reports have been approved. You can familiarize yourself with the program of the conference, and to participate as a listener, please go to the following link and register. One week before the start of the conference, an invitation to join the online conference will be sent to your e-mail address (link, final version of the program). We remind you that the conference will be held on the Zoom online platform. Hurry up to register and be aware of the transition of educational chess.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “CHESS IN EDUCATION. METHODOLOGY AND PROSPECTS” 28/2/2024 - On May 18, 2024, the Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), the Chess Scientific Research Institute, and the Kasparov Chess Foundation will hold an international conference “CHESS IN EDUCATION. METHODOLOGY AND PROSPECTS”. The purpose of the conference is to share ideas about the challenges of integrating chess in the education system and possible solutions. The conference will be held on the Zoom online video platform. Conference Organizers: Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU, www.aspu.am), Chess Scientific Research Institute (Yerevan, Armenia, www.chesstudy.com), Kasparov Chess Foundation (www.kasparovchessfoundation.org). Conference Themes: ● Effective chess learning methods ● Teaching chess to people with special educational needs ● Chess in the preschool education system ● Chess teacher training and professional development The conference program includes plenary sessions and […]
RESEARCH DIRECTIONS OF “CHESS” SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE DISCUSSED 3/7/2023 - A working meeting was held at the ASPU “Chess” Scientific Research Institute on June 3. The meeting was also attended by ASPU Rector Srbuhi Gevorgyan and Vice-Rector for Education and Science Mariam Ispiryan. The discussion addressed the research directions of the Institute which were presented by Vahan Sargsyan, Head of Scientific Program of “Chess” Scientific Research Institute. The latter spoke about the main achievements of the Institute, the gaps and presented the possible challenges and ways to overcome them. He particularly dwelt on internationalization of research, evidence on the effectiveness of chess teaching, acquisition and use of scientific tools, international and compulsory training. Vahan Sargsyan said a number of studies and research have been conducted recently, which prove that chess […]
МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «ШАХМАТЫ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ КАК РЕСУРС ДЛЯ ОБЩЕГО РАЗВИТИЯ» 15/4/2023 - Стартовала международная онлайн-конференция, организованная Армянским государственным педагогическим и Московским государственным психолого-педагогическим университетами под названием «Шахматы в образовании как ресурс общего развития». В центре внимания научных кругов находились методы и технологии обучения шахматам, шахматы как средство разностороннего развития, обмен опытом в области обучения шахматам и др. К конференции присоединились более 100 участников из разных стран мира, в том числе: Армения, Россия, Грузия, Казахстан, Туркменистан, Узбекистан, Беларусь. Онлайн-конференцию провел известный шахматный комментатор Евгений Атаров, который в настоящее время находится в Армении. На пленарном заседании участников конференции приветствовала ректор АГПУ Србуи Геворгян. Она подчеркнула важность участия зарубежных партнеров, подчеркнув, что это еще раз доказывает их неравнодушное отношение к будущему шахмат в системе образования. есть профессиональный интерес с обеих сторон, приоритет в воспитании знающего […]
«ШАХМАТЫ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ КАК РЕСУРС ДЛЯ ОБЩЕГО РАЗВИТИЯ» 23/2/2023 - 15 апреля 2023 года Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет (ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ) и Армянский государственный педагогический университет (АГПУ) совместно с соорганизаторами и партнерами планируют проведение международной научно-практической конференции «Шахматы в образовании как ресурс для общего развития». Конференция планируется в дистанционном режиме. Цель конференции: осмысление и обсуждение наиболее успешных региональных практик преподавания шахмат, способствующих гармоничному развитию обучающихся. Основные направления конференции шахматы для общего развития: • Методы и технологии преподавания шахмат; • Трансляция опыта преподавания шахмат; • Шахматы как инструмент помощи детям с ОВЗ; • Oценкa эффективности занятий шахматами для общего развития обучающихся. • Рабочий язык конференции: русский Для участия в конференции необходимо заполнить электронную заявку участника (https://forms.gle/cxBzvTA9QsqZejwy7) Для участия в Конференции в качестве докладчика необходимо пройти предварительную регистрацию и выслать тезисы доклада […]
CHESS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 4/2/2023 - From January 30 to February 3, 2023 ‘‘Chess’’ Research Institute of ASPU in collaboration with the Chair of Preschool pedagogy and methodologies carried out ‘Chess in preschool educational institutions’ training for preschool kindergarten teachers. The purpose of the training was to form a kindergarten teacher’s ability to apply chess in a 5-6 years old child’s development process. Considering chess as an educational tool, it is integrated in preschool educational methodologies, ensuring the holistic development of a child. Mutual cooperation and dialogue were emphasized during the training, presenting interesting methods, games and various forms of work contributing to a child’s development by using chess.
PROFESSOR MARK NOWACKI VISITED THE CSRI 15/8/2022 - From 12-13 August, the Professor of the Singapore Management University, the Founder of the “Logic Mills” organization Mark Nowacki visited the Armenian State Pedagogical University. In fact, it is in his founded organization that the psychological game-test “MIRMI”, a computer toolkit for assessing the global, collaborative and factual intelligence abilities of 21st century learners, was developed and validated. During the meeting with the ASPU leadership, an initial arrangement was made; within the framework of the initial research stage, the “Chess” Scientific Research Institute will use this toolkit, therewith enabling to assess the abilities, the development of which the “Chess” subject it aimed at. In particular, the methodology allows identifying the abilities of people of different ages to make effective decisions, […]
CHESS IN EDUCATION International Conference 4/8/2022 - Dear colleagues, the full video of the International online conference “Chess in Education” organized by the FIDE “Chess in Education” Commission (EDU) and the ASPU “Chess” Research Institute on June 25-26, 2022, is now available. CHESS IN EDUCATION International Conference June 25 – 26, 2022 – YouTube Subscribe to the FIDE – Chess In Education Commission YouTube channel to stay up to date on all Chess In Education Commission news.
THE INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE “CHESS IN EDUCATION” IS OVER 28/6/2022 - A two-day international online conference entitled “Chess in Education” and organized jointly by FIDE Chess in Education Commission (EDU) and ”Chess” Scientific Research Institute of ASPU started on June 25. The main courses of the conference are the social and psychological aspects of chess, methodology of Chess teaching and learning, chess and pedagogical training issues, chess and inclusive education, chess and the issues of gender-sensitive education. The conference features 40 participants from 20 countries, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, etc. Three hundred representatives from almost 70 countries had the opportunity to participate in the two-day conference as listeners and ask questions. “The conference, which has already become a tradition, has a good beginning and prehistory. Many […]
THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “CHESS IN EDUCATION” HAS STARTED 25/6/2022 - The international conference Chess in education has started. The working languages of the conference are English և Russian. The 40 speakers of the conference are from 20 countries of the world, with the broadest geographical coverage: North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, 14th world chess champion Vladimir Kramnik, female grandmaster, FIDE Director of Management Dana Ozola, ASPU Rector, SRI Senior Researcher Srbuhi G. Gorgit Chess in Education “commission chairman, GM Smbat Lputyan. FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, 14th World Chess Champion Vladimir Kramnik, female grandmaster, FIDE Director of Management Dana Ozola, ASPU Rector, SRI Leading Researcher Srbuhi Gorgutyan, Director of the Institute Chess in Education “Committee Chairman, GM Smbat Lputyan. On the first day […]
REGISTRATION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED 6/5/2022 - The registration deadline for the conference has been extended until May 15. Registration link: Details: http://chesstudy.com/conference-coming-soon/
“CHESS IN EDUCATION” INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE 9/3/2022 - FIDE Chess in Education Commission (EDU) and ”Chess” Scientific Research Institute of ASPU are organizing an International online conference, entitled “Chess in Education”, which will be held on June 25-26, 2022 at 10 AM CET, via Zoom video conferencing. Main courses of the conference: Chess in education The Social and psychological aspects of chess: The methodology of Chess teaching and learning: Chess and pedagogical training issues Chess and inclusive education: Chess and the issues of gender-sensitive education: Working languages of the conference are English and Russian. All attendees are required to register for the conference online via the following link: The theses of the reports must be sent by May 1, 2022. The authors will be informed about the decision of the Organizational commission by […]
ONLINE TRAININGS 30/11/2021 - This year The regular online trainings of “chess” subject teachers will be held on December 10-12, December 17-19. They can participate in the trainings 1 ․ Teachers whose teaching certificate has expired or is ending by February 2022, 2 ․ Those interested in teaching chess who want to acquire the right to teach (qualification). To participate in the courses, you need to register in advance.
CHESS IN EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE PROGRAM 19/10/2021 - FIDE Chess in Education Commission (EDU) and ”Chess” Scientific Research Institute of ASPU (Armenian State Pedagogical University) are organizing an International online conference, entitled “Chess in Education”, which will be held on November 20-21, 2021, via Zoom video conferencing. You can participate in one of the following ways: Paper/Thesis submission (without oral presentation and attendance) Paper/Thesis submission and attendance (attendance just like listener) Paper/Thesis submission and oral presentation Listener attendance Master classes (short description like thesis is also needed) Round Table discussions ((Short description of the topic of discussion and rationale must be provided in two pages) Project/Courses Presentation) Deadlines and additional information regarding the submission of papers (presentations) and theses are here.
CHESS IN EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE 10/10/2021 - FIDE Chess in Education Commission (EDU) and ”Chess” Scientific Research Institute of ASPU (Armenian State Pedagogical University) are organizing an International online conference, entitled “Chess in Education”, which will be held on November 20-21, 2021, via Zoom video conferencing. Main themes of the conference: Pre-school chess Chess in schools Chess in universities Working languages of the conference are English and Spanish. All attendees are required to register for the conference online through the Conference website https://edu.fide.com/conference/ : closing date November 7. Papers/Theses must also be sent by November 1, 2021. The authors will be informed about the decision of the Organizational Committee by the 7th of November, 2021. The theses will be presented on the official website of the conference (link) and […]
THE ONLINE COURSES FOR 2021 HAVE STARTED 26/1/2021 - ATTENTION! In cooperation with the “Chess” Scientific Research Institute and the Chess Academy of Armenia, the online training and qualification courses for chess teachers of 2021 are launched. The courses will start on January 29 and end on January 31. At the end of the three-day courses, the teachers will pass a final qualification exam, depending on the results of which they will be provided with the teaching certificates confirming their 1-3 year teaching permission. The courses can be attended by the teachers: 1․ whose teaching certificate date is expiring / has expired /, 2․ who for the first time are going to participate in the courses and qualification exam.