On May 18, 2024, the Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), the Chess Scientific Research Institute, and the Kasparov Chess Foundation will hold an international conference “CHESS IN EDUCATION. METHODOLOGY AND PROSPECTS”.
The purpose of the conference is to share ideas about the challenges of integrating chess in the education system and possible solutions.
The conference will be held on the Zoom online video platform.
Conference Organizers: Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU, www.aspu.am), Chess Scientific Research Institute (Yerevan, Armenia, www.chesstudy.com), Kasparov Chess Foundation (www.kasparovchessfoundation.org).
Conference Themes:
● Effective chess learning methods
● Teaching chess to people with special educational needs
● Chess in the preschool education system
● Chess teacher training and professional development
The conference program includes plenary sessions and a round table discussion.
According to the conference results, it is planned to publish “Chess in Education, Methodology and Prospects” conference materials.
The languages spoken at the conference are English and Spanish.
Forms of Participation:
● As a speaker, with the publication of an article in conference proceedings.
● As a listener, with or without publishing an article in the conference proceedings
To register as a speaker for the scientific conference please submit papers by April 1, 2024 (https://forms.gle/QN7wEJWfxw5b3Woz8).
The editorial board will confirm acceptance or rejection of the papers by April 10, 2024. Please see below for more details.
Report Requirements:
The text of the report should be submitted in MS Word format. The structure of the report should contain the following:
● problem statement
● historical background of the problem
Research Program
● purpose and hypothesis of the study
● stages of research
● description of the sample: number of participants, gender, age, and other characteristics[1]
● methods and techniques with their description
● implementation of the procedures
● description of results (with tables and graphs)
● discussion of results
● conclusions for research
When submitting materials, the cover letter must specify the intended conference for publication.
The conference will be held on an online platform.
All participants will receive certificates corresponding to the participation format.
The scientific conference is free.